Poetry in Motion

Kirk and Gabriel of Kinetic Affect have taken their poetry to another level…a multimedia one! See what we’re doing with video, audio and the ancient art of the spoken word.

Kinected Productions is a branch on the tree of Kinetic Affect. Taking our combined talents and working with experts in the multimedia industry, Kinected Productions has been producing artistic and visionary pieces for meaningful organizations around the nation, from Addiction Treatment Services in Traverse City to Kellogg’s Pop Tarts.

Below are some videos of our transformative multimedia work. Watch and enjoy!

This first video is an homage to the long-standing and beautiful work of Pretty Lake Camp. Visit www.prettylakecamp.org for more information.

The video below is in honor of our beautiful and uplifting hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan.

This final video is a short made for a local TV show called Kinetic Affect LIVE. Just to show a bit of our silly side.

Soon we will be posting an amazing story of addiction and recovery in honor of the amazing outreach done by Addiction Treatment Services in Traverse City. Keep your eyes peeled.

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